Cell-Based Assay Services

 Cell-Based Assay Services

Cell-based assays are the key to HemoGenix® Contract Research Services. Virtually all of our services are in vitro and cell-based.

For our assays to work properly, the cells must be of the highest quality. Unfortunately, there are no functional assays that can guarantee that the cells we use, will demonstrate the highest quality. Sometimes, we see after in vitro culture, that the controls do not provide the results we are looking. When this happens, the study will be repeated at no additional cost. We have the expertise and experiance to know if the cells we received from a vendor were of high quality to ensure that the results can be trusted.

Nearly all of the studies we perform rely on either fresh, primary or cryopreserved, primary cells. Even our high-throughput screening studies use primary cells, rather than cell lines.

In addition, although a large number of studies are performed using fresh animal tissues, e.g. primate, minipig, dog, rat, mouse, many of our studies use informed conset human tissue obtained from vendors. Using human tissue provides the best possible prediction and extrapolation of potential toxicity during clinical trials.

Please contact HemoGenix® for more information at contractresearch@hemogenix.com or call (719) 264-6250.